the high potential of new generations
Global presence
The importance of understanding the
is the Source Code of our conscience
Symbolic language

About us

Children Energy Trust is a Canadian Trust that aims to conceive and develop new school programs, to create avant-garde schools for High Potential (HP) children and thereby help children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADD, ADHD), dyslexia, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and any other form of learning difficulty, as well as those with super-faculties on the intellectual or conscience levels.

Trust Beneficiary

The trust beneficiary is Universe/City Mikaël (UCM) Teaching & Research Center, which is a Canadian-based, non-profit organization with foundations and associations in many countries, including Switzerland, France, Belgium, the USA, Vietnam and India where they offer free school programs to thousands of children.

A Teaching & Research Center to understand high potential children & the new generations

The UCM Teaching & Research Centre, an avant-garde Center that studies and teaches the understanding of how conscience, consciousness functions, has been working for over 20 years now and trains teachers, doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and parents in the field of symbolic language, behaviorism, emotional and intellectual functioning and understanding the multi-dimensions of our conscience. UCM also offers courses and training in new techniques of relaxation, meditation and yoga as well as in the field of dream, sign and symbol interpretation.

Global presence in many countries

Through the development of its expertise in fields studying both the physical and metaphysical aspects of humanity, the Universe/City Mikaël (UCM) Teaching & Research Center is now a world reference, whose website is in the top 325,000 most visited websites in the world. UCM has been recognized as an academic institution by the Government of Canada and Quebec for the DSSI Training that it gives in America, Europe and Asia.

Did you know?

Reaching out to the new generations

The new generations are attracted to virtual worlds, symbols and dreams via video games and they already live in a virtual, hyper-collective, multi-dimensional world via the Internet. High Potential (HP) children hold the keys to phenomenal evolution and understanding within themselves and they have both a highly developed IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient).

Help us continue to develop and establish tomorrow’s pedagogical programs today!

Participate in worldwide educational evolution!

Symbolic language

A symbol represents key information; it is the basis of universal, multi-dimensional language and serves to understand matter, the elements, behavior, events, dreams, signs… absolutely everything that exists. This language is a source code that we all have. It is directly related to the archetypal structure, the very essence of a person, object, idea, concept, word, sound, way of thinking or behaving.

Our school programs

Financed by the Children Energy Trust, our school programs are based on this new approach that helps children develop their multi-dimensional understanding of themselves and their environment.

  • The importance of understanding the multi-dimensionsOpen or Close

    For children, a multi-dimension is more powerful than concrete reality.

    An example: A father, pretending to be very happy at the idea, may say to his son: “OK! Sure! I’ll play with you in 10 minutes’ time!” but his young son has memories where his Dad made the same promise at least 50 times in the last year but never kept them, something always came up that was more important; playing together had to be shelved. So the child reacts and keeps asking over and over again, becoming hyperactive, wanting, insisting on going to play immediately, right there and then, not in 10 minutes’ time, because he’s afraid it will never happen due to his memories of unkept promises. His insistence leads to his being reprimanded and sent to his room.

    Who was right, the child or the parent?

    At that moment, the child didn’t behave well because he had perceived in his father’s tone of voice and body language that he wasn’t going to play with him… that he didn’t want to… that, in actual fact, his parent was lying to him…

    Did you know that arguments in couples are all based on memories, on the intention behind what is said, behind what is/was done… think about it!

    For children, classes on multi-dimensions are like video-games… they love clicking on a file or folder, which opens a subfolder with another file and subfolder… until they find the key .

  • The need for emotional logic (EQ)Open or Close

    For any high potential young person, whose EQ is very open, reading a text without understanding with their heart, without traveling in their conscience, is of absolutely no interest to them. We need to place the text in a dimensional, emotional context. We need to explain what is going on in the world to children and young people… that Life is first and foremost a heart and soul adventure. We need to explain suffering, joy… we need to tell our children amazing stories, speaking to them in metaphors, in codes of conscience…

  • Questioning the question… they love it!Open or Close

    Yes, we all know the never-ending questions… children always want to get to the bottom of things, but today, more than ever before, in ever-increasing numbers, all over the world, children and young people want to go as far as they can… further… they want to push an idea to its limits and beyond if possible… Why? Because through a subject that interests them, they want to experience ideas, emotions, actions… they want to know and understand Life within themselves and all around them! That’s the new generations and with our avant-garde programs, we have the keys to teach them.

  • Listening to music in symbols… wow! … it’s super great!Open or Close

    Listening to music to discern the ambiance… is it sad or happy… pleasant or aggressive… which musical instruments are used to create moods, soul-states? Did you know that a violin doesn’t create the same effect as a guitar or a harp… nor a saxophone, duduk or dijeridoo … nor a trumpet and drums, etc.? Did you know that the notes, the ambiances marry and fuse to create wonderfully happy or deeply sad emotions, positive, active energy or negative, aggressive tensions… Such predictive analysis is sometimes only understood in our late twenties – from approximately 26-30 years old – and sometimes never understood at all. Ask a 6-year-old whether aggressive heavy metal or plaintive lost-love, nostalgic blues is positive or negative energy… he won’t be able to tell you unless he’s been taught. Help us teach children to listen with discernment… to choose wisely…

  • Symbols… Source codes of our conscienceOpen or Close

    Symbols interconnect both positively and negatively, hence creating soul-states, multiple moods and states of mind, heart and soul that create happiness or dysfunctional conscience. They form interactive networks and systems because, in the form of images or metaphors, they are representations of principles and values. Generally speaking, the positive or negative value of a symbol depends on the context it appears in as well as its relation to the other elements present. A symbol’s positive aspects are defined by criteria of qualities and virtues, such as beauty, order, harmony, etc., whereas the negative aspects are the representation of distortions and weaknesses, such as disharmony, disorganization, violence, etc. A child needs to study the source code of objects, atmospheres and ambiances to make his choices in life.

Help us give children this Knowledge…

A child with autism spectrum disorder… misunderstood or a genius?

A child suffering from autism spectrum disorder has so many memories and such powerful senses that sometimes he no longer wants to come down to earth…how can we help him reconnect with reality? At Children Energy (CE) Trust, we have the keys…


Jean Morissette, lawyer, mediator and arbitrator
Trustee, Children Energy (CE) Trust
Cabinet Bertrand, Morissette & Associates
120, rue St-Vincent
, Ste-Agathe-des-Monts, (Québec) Canada, J8C 2B1